I got nothin'

Monday, July 31, 2006

Atlanta, then chasing guys in the heat

a story on the day being hot sent me out to chase down a guy who can run a 7 minute mile to take his picture... so not only do I have to chase him down, I have to be in front of him, get my camera ready and shoot. Now given my coordination, I wasn't very good at that and ended up with some out of focused shots. I also had to switch from a long lens to a short one and in the middle somewhere, I had turned either the camera off or the auto focus off, so I didn't get any shots of him as he run past, although it would've looked really cool, judging from the viewfinder...

so I ended up with this:

I contend that I would've done better if this wasn't slapped into my lap an hour before and if the guy ran slower... or if the 2 other people who ran would've let me take their pics...

Anyway, at least I made a new facebook friend, Alex, and he seems really cool. And he can run very well, which already piqued my interest cause I love to run and people who run make me feel at home. Well, most of them... the not so competitive ones... like Alex. And a lot of my other friends are also runners... I need to train... I'd like to eventually run a marathon...

But anyway, Atlanta.

So I didn't update for a while because I was in Atlanta. Well, Duluth, really. And it's being petitioned to be another town/city, the part I was in. I took my best friend home, it was kind of like a mini-mini-road trip, which was nice. Went Karaokeing and realized that my singing actually sounds quite awful. But it's still fun and I'd still do it. I have the coolest best friend, and he gets cooler every year, and we only see each other about once a year. So yeah, that's about it for now. Oh yeh, and I spent like 50 dollars at a used book store last week, I should start reading again... Over and out.


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