I got nothin'

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

My second brothers

Moving away from the theme of posting assignments I do for the News and Record, here's something that's important to me. Or rather, people who are very important to me. I grew up with these guys in church pretty much since I've been in the United States. For almost as long as I can remember. Their family is like a second family to me, and it's hard for me when something happens to them, especially since I'm not sure what to do as I am not biologically related to them. But I might as well be.

The guy on the ground is Brandon, he's older than me and knows a lot about cars. And the other kid is Nick, he's younger than me, but in many ways, he's really more mature and older than I am. We were suppose to be babysitting some kids, essentially, but we ended up just horsing around a lot.

Recently their grandmother has been afflicted with illness and may soon pass away. I'd like to be able to help them in some way. I don't know what to do though, other than just being there. I can't really think of anything else to add. So yeah, my brothers. I'll eventually post something about my biological brother.


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