I got nothin'

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Swinging back and forth. Now I'm in the middle. When I start working and getting into things, everything else seems trivial. No time to be happy or sad, healthy or unhealthy, there is only what I do.

Currently: building my own AS3 video player. Even though, I was told not to do it. I just feel better that I can control everything on the Web site I am working on. It's almost done. I just need to put together the volume controls together tomorrow. Should be easy. And then I'll skin it to look kick ass. Plop it into the html, create the main nav. CSS up the about page... Maybe touch up some design elements. Woo. This is kind of fun... If I only could put this much effort into my own Web site... But that's next... along with Mary's site. And then I would have done 3 kick-ass sites. Hopefully land me a job. Or maybe a few more gigs, at least.



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